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How to Install WordPress on Your VPS

WordPress has made website creation remarkably straightforward. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of installing WordPress on your VPS through TinyCP.

Note: Before we delve in, ensure you know how to access the TinyCP control panel via your browser. If you need a refresher, please revisit our previous article, Setting Up Your VPS.

Assuming you’ve directed your domain to your VPS, your next step is to access the TinyCP control panel.

Important: The following information is a demonstration of how your login details might look. Replace them with your actual TinyCP credentials:

URL (Example):
LOGIN (Example): admin
PASSWORD (Example): k#qUI]àwz

Initial Set-Up

1. Access Your TinyCP Panel:

Log into TinyCP using your actual credentials.

2. Set-Up Web Services:

Navigate to the ‘WEB’ section.
Select ‘Install requirements: Apache’.
Next, click on ‘install’ adjacent to Nginx.
Once the installation concludes, close the terminal.

3. Install PHP:

Choose ‘install’ next to PHP FPM.
Close the terminal after installation.

4. Database Management System Installation:

Click ‘install’ next to MariaDB. Afterward, your panel will be prepped to host WordPress.

Configuring WordPress:

1. Domain Setup:

Navigate to WEB > Domains > New domain.
Input your domain name, the one you’ve directed at your VPS.
Select ‘Add domain’.

2. Database Creation:

Go to ‘Databases’.
Click on ‘Add database’.
Enter a name for the database. For this guide’s purpose, we’ll use “myDatabase” as an example.
Click ‘Add database’.

3. Database User Configuration:

Select ‘Add user’.
As an example, we’ll name it “myDBuser”.
Click on ‘randomize’ to generate a password. Make sure to note this password for future reference.
Confirm by clicking ‘Add user’ followed by ‘Update user’.

4. WordPress Installation:

Head to WEB.
Choose your domain name.
Navigate to Applications and click ‘Install’ under WordPress.
For ‘DATABASE NAME’, select “myDatabase” (or whatever you named your database).
For ‘DATABASE USER’, pick “myDBuser” (or your chosen username).
In ‘DATABASE PASSWORD’, input the previously saved password.
Provide a title for your website under ‘WEBSITE TITLE’.
Set an ‘ADMIN LOGIN’ (username) and an ‘ADMIN PASSWORD’.
Note down these details for future reference.
Provide an administrative email in ‘ADMIN EMAIL’.
Click ‘Install Application’.

After a few moments, the installer should notify you of a successful WordPress installation. Well done!

To view your website, visit your domain name. To customize or manage content, go to “” and log in using the admin credentials you saved earlier.

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