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How to Install CyberPanel on Ubuntu Server

How to Install CyberPanel on Ubuntu Server

CyberPanel, powered by LiteSpeed, is rapidly becoming the go-to choice for a web hosting control panel. Thanks to LiteSpeed, it offers an optimized environment making websites, especially WordPress, perform exceptionally fast. If you’re curious about how to get CyberPanel up and running, follow this easy guide for a smooth installation experience.

Why Choose CyberPanel?

CyberPanel is chosen by many because it employs LiteSpeed technology, which is renowned for accelerating website performance, making it an ideal solution for WordPress optimization. Even if you’re not technically inclined, CyberPanel promises a user-friendly experience, allowing you to leverage advanced features without diving deep into technicalities.

1. Prerequisites for Installing CyberPanel

Before beginning, ensure your system meets these requirements.

  • Fresh Linux Install:
    Installing CyberPanel on a fresh Linux system avoids software conflicts and ensures a smooth setup.
  • Operating System:
    CyberPanel is compatible with CentOS 7.x and above, and Ubuntu 18.04 and above.
  • Root Access:
    Having root user access is crucial as it allows the execution of administrative commands needed for installation.
  • Quality VPS:
    For optimal performance with CyberPanel, consider our recommended VPS provider, known for its reliability, advanced features, and competitive pricing.

2. Establishing a Connection to Your VPS via PuTTY

Before embarking on the installation of Cyberpanel, it’s imperative to first establish a connection to the VPS. For this task, PuTTY serves as a user-friendly and free utility. For those utilizing Windows, adhere to the steps below:

Procure PuTTY: Navigate to the official PuTTY website to download and subsequently install PuTTY.

Launch PuTTY: Post-installation, initiate PuTTY. A prompt will appear, requiring the “Host Name (or IP address)” of your VPS.

Putty Example

Input VPS’s IP Address: Register your VPS’s IP address in the allocated area. If the IP address is unknown, refer to the introductory email from your VPS provider or consult your provider’s dashboard after logging in.

Configure the Port: Typically, SSH operates on port 22, ensure this value is reflected in the ‘Port’ field, unless specified otherwise by your provider.

Initiate the Session: Verify the IP address and port before selecting the ‘Open’ button to commence the session.

Authentication Process: A terminal window will surface, requesting your username. Provide the username (commonly ‘root’ for VPS), followed by the Enter key. Subsequently, key in your password. Note: The password entry is covert; visual cues like cursor movements or character manifestations will be absent, however, the input is registered. Hit Enter to proceed.

By completing these steps, a successful connection to your VPS via SSH through PuTTY should be established, paving the way for the Webmin/Virtualmin installation process!

3. Installing CyberPanel

Executing the Installation Script
To initiate the installation of CyberPanel, perform the following steps systematically:

Download and Execute the Installation Script:

Use the command below to download and run the installation script. This command utilizes curl to download the script and, if curl fails, falls back to wget.

sh <(curl || wget -O -

2. Follow the On-screen Instructions: After executing the script, attentively adhere to the prompts appearing on the screen. Ensure to respond accurately to each prompt to avoid any installation discrepancies.

a) Choose to Install CyberPanel or Exit:

Please enter the number[1-2]: 1 (to install)

This step is where you decide whether to proceed with the installation of CyberPanel. Enter 1 to install CyberPanel or 2 to exit the installation process.

b) Select the Version of CyberPanel:

Please enter the number[1-3]: 1 (to install with OpenLiteSpeed)

Please enter the number[1-3]: 1 (to install with OpenLiteSpeed)
This step allows you to choose the version of CyberPanel you want to install. Option 1 will install CyberPanel with OpenLiteSpeed, a lightweight, open-source HTTP server for better performance and lower resource consumption.

c) Opt for Full Service Installation:

Full installation [Y/n]: y (‘y’ for Yes and ‘n’ for No)

Selecting y for a full installation will install additional services such as PowerDNS, Postfix, and Pure-FTPd, which are crucial for domain name resolution, email routing, and File Transfer Protocol, respectively.

d) Decide on Remote MySQL Setup:

Remote MySQL [y/N]: n (‘y’ for Yes and ‘Nfor No)

This step inquires whether you want to set up Remote MySQL. By opting for y, you will skip the installation of local MySQL and connect to a remote database. Choose n to install MySQL locally.

e) Continue with Latest Version or Specify Version:

Press Enter (to continue with the latest version or enter a specific version like 1.9.4, 2.0.1, etc.)

Pressing Enter will continue the installation with the latest available version of CyberPanel, but if you need a specific version, you can type it here.

f) Set Admin Password:

Choose [d]fault, [r]andom or [s]et password: [d/r/s] r

You can choose to set a default password d, allow the system to generate a random password r, or set your preferred password s.

g) Install Memcached Process and its PHP Extension:

Please select [Y/n]: y (‘y’ for Yes and ‘n’ for No)

Choosing y installs Memcached and its PHP extension. Memcached is a high-performance, distributed memory object caching system that can speed up web applications by reducing the database load.

h) Install Redis Process and its PHP Extension:

Please select [Y/n]: y (‘y’ for Yes and ‘n’ for No)

Selecting y will install Redis and its PHP extension. Redis is an advanced key-value store that can be used as a cache and message broker. It supports various data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, and more.

i) Setup WatchDog for Web and Database Service:

Please type Yes or no (with capital Y, default Yes): y

Opting Yes will set up a WatchDog for the web and database services. The WatchDog is in beta and will monitor the services, ensuring they are always running. If you want to stop the WatchDog later, you will have to run watchdog kill.

Each of these steps is crucial to ensure the proper installation and functionality of CyberPanel and its associated components. Please follow the on-screen instructions carefully and provide the correct input when prompted.

⚠️ Quick Notice: The installation of CyberPanel may take some time—please be patient and avoid interrupting the process to ensure a smooth setup. If you have questions or face issues, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Completion of installation:

Once the installation has concluded successfully, you will be presented with details to access the newly installed CyberPanel. It will look something like this:

Visit: https://[Your-Server-IP]:8090
Panel username: admin
Panel password: [Your-Generated-Password]

Replace [Your-Server-IP] with your server’s IP address and [Your-Generated-Password] with the provided or set password.

Rebooting the Server:

After the installation, you will be asked if you want to reboot the server. It’s important to do so to ensure all changes are properly applied. Type y and press Enter to proceed with the reboot.

Please note down or copy the panel access details, as you will need them to log in to CyberPanel and manage your server settings. Also, make sure to secure your generated password in a safe place, as it grants administrative access to your CyberPanel.

5. Accessing CyberPanel

Upon completion, access CyberPanel using your server’s IP address followed by ‘:8090’.

Example: http://your-server-ip:8090

Logging In to CyberPanel

Before you log in to CyberPanel, a word of caution: during your first login attempt to Cyberpanel, you may encounter a browser warning like “Your connection is not private.” This typically occurs as, by default, the connection to the server is not secured with SSL encryption.

Dealing with Connection Warning

Don’t worry, this is a common warning and, given the circumstances, it’s safe to proceed. To do so, click on the ‘Advanced’ option and then select ‘Proceed to your-server-ip’. This will lead you directly to the login page of Cyberpanel.

Connection is not private chrome warning

Proceeding to CyberPanel

Once there, use the username ‘admin’ and the password generated during the installation to log in.

CyberPanel Login Screen

Once you’re in, you can begin to discover the myriad of features CyberPanel has to offer!

CyberPanel Dashboard

Please remember to explore responsibly and ensure the security of your connection when you configure your panel settings for the first time. Enjoy exploring CyberPanel!


Congratulations! You’ve successfully installed CyberPanel. Managing web hosting services is now more streamlined and user-friendly. Explore and enjoy the myriad of features and enhance your web hosting experience!

Extra Tips

  • Regularly update CyberPanel to access new features and maintain security.
  • Explore CyberPanel’s documentation for in-depth knowledge and troubleshooting.

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