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Easy Steps to Install Webmin/Virtualmin on Ubuntu Server: A Beginner’s Guide

Easy Steps to Install Webmin_Virtualmin on Ubuntu Server_ A Beginner’s Guide

Webmin/Virtualmin is a powerful, open-source, and user-friendly interface. It’s perfect for managing Unix systems and services, like Apache and MySQL. Installing it on an Ubuntu server is a breeze. Let’s walk you through it.

1. Prerequisites for Installing Webmin/Virtualmin

Before diving into the installation process, there are a few prerequisites to ensure a smooth setup.

  • Fresh Ubuntu Server Install:
    It’s highly recommended to install Webmin/Virtualmin on a fresh Ubuntu install to avoid conflicts and ensure smooth operation. Installing multiple panels or software with overlapping functionalities on the same server can lead to issues.
  • Operating System:
    Ensure you have Ubuntu Server installed. We’re assuming for this guide that you’re using Ubuntu 22.04 (LTS), but Webmin/Virtualmin supports various versions of Ubuntu, so pick the one that suits your needs best.
  • Server Access:
    You’ll need access to your server. You can use SSH (Secure Shell) for a secure, encrypted connection to your server.
  • Root User Access:
    To install Webmin/Virtualmin, you must have root user access or an account with sudo privileges. This allows you to run commands with administrative permissions, crucial for installing software.
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2. Connecting to Your VPS Using PuTTY

Before we start installing Webmin/Virtualmin, we need to connect to our VPS. PuTTY is a free and easy-to-use tool for this purpose. If you’re using Windows, follow these steps:

Download PuTTY: Download PuTTY from the official PuTTY website and install it.

Open PuTTY: Once installed, open PuTTY. You will see a screen asking for the “Host Name (or IP address)” of your VPS.

Putty Example

Enter Your VPS’s IP Address: Input the IP address of your VPS in the provided space. If you don’t know your IP address, you can find it in the welcome email sent by your VPS provider, or by logging into your VPS provider’s dashboard.

Set the Port: The default port for SSH is 22. Make sure this is the number in the ‘Port’ box unless your provider has given you a different port number.

Start the Session: Once you’ve entered the IP address and made sure the port is correct, click the ‘Open’ button to start the session.

Log In: A black window will appear, asking for your username. Input the username (usually it’s ‘root’ for VPS), and press Enter. Next, type in your password. Remember, you won’t see the cursor moving or characters appearing when entering the password, but it is being entered. Press Enter.

Now, you should be connected to your VPS via SSH using PuTTY, and you can start installing Webmin/Virtualmin!

3. Update Your System

Now ensure your system is up-to-date. In your terminal, type:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

This command fetches the newest updates and applies them.

4. Install Required Software

Next, install software-properties-common:

sudo apt-get install software-properties-common

This package helps in managing distribution and independent software vendor software sources.

5. Download and Install Webmin:

Now, download Webmin’s installation script. Run:


This command fetches the required script for installation.

After downloading, run the installation script with:

sudo sh

Follow the prompts, and let the script do its job.

Installation of Webmin/Virtualmin

6. Access Webmin/Virtualmin

Once installed, open your web browser. In the address bar, type:


Replace “your-server-ip” with your server’s actual IP address.

Connection Warning

When you try to access Webmin/Virtualmin for the first time, you might see a warning in your browser like “Your connection is not private.” This warning appears because the connection to the server is not secured with SSL encryption by default.

How to Proceed Safely

This is a common warning, and in this case, it’s safe to proceed. Click on the ‘Advanced’ option, and then select ‘Proceed to your-server-ip (unsafe)’. This will take you to the login page of Webmin/Virtualmin.

Connection is not private warning

Log in to Webmin/Virtualmin

Log in using your server’s root username and password. Once logged in, you can start exploring and configuring your server using the Webmin/Virtualmin interface.

Webmin login

Important Note: Remember, the warning is just because the connection is not encrypted, not because the server itself is unsafe. Later, you can configure SSL to secure the connection and avoid this warning in the future.


Congratulations! You’ve successfully installed Webmin/Virtualmin on your Ubuntu server. Now, managing your Unix system services is simpler and more intuitive. Enjoy the user-friendly interfaces and optimized server management experience that Webmin/Virtualmin offers.

Webmin / Virtualmin Dashboard

Additional Tips

  • For security, consider setting up a firewall rule to restrict access to the Webmin port (10000) to known IP addresses.
  • Regularly check for updates to keep your system and Webmin/Virtualmin secure and running smoothly.

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